3 Proven Ways to Escape Heat in Palm Springs

We spent just two days in “Hollywood’s Waiting Room for Heaven” as this corner of California is often called. But it was more than enough to make me look for any proven ways to escape the unbearable heat of Palm Springs.

Last updated: July 26, 2024

California - Roads and Destinations
The 3 proven ways to escape heat in Palm Springs

How to Escape Heat in Palm Springs

If you are looking for a city to party by pool and drink margaritas all day long, then you are in the right place. Surrounded by majestic mountains, Palm Springs, one of the nine cities in the great Coachella Valley, is widely known for the most extravagant pool parties in the region.

And it doesn’t come as a surprise. With temperatures rising up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit in summer and lingering around 70-74 degrees Fahrenheit in winter, it’s hard to think of any better pastime to escape the excruciating heat in Palm Springs. Put on your swimsuit, get down to the pool, socialize, eat, drink, repeat… What a life!

Introvert by nature, I’ve never had a high regard for overcrowded places and pool parties. Something about these big, loud social gatherings makes me uncomfortable. I tend to retreat to less crowded places. But how can you then escape the excruciating desert heat in Palm Springs?

Find an alternative way. And so I did. I found not one, but three ways to escape the summer heat in Palm Springs and still enjoy the city and some of its hidden gems.


1. Sneak Away to Mount San Jacinto State Park

My first destination in Palm Springs wasn’t a luxurious hotel with an enormous pool. It had to wait until I, already sweating, was looking for an alternative way to escape the rising heat in a forest nestled right outside Palm Springs.

A forest in the desert? Yes, please! Open for day hikers and campers alike, Mount San Jacinto State Park, one of the most beautiful California state parks, entices all visitors that look for relief from the heat and scorching desert sun in and near Palm Springs. The temperatures in the mountains are approximately 20- 25 degrees lower than in the city.

There are a few ways to get to the park. You can make a detour and drive a little bit over an hour before you enter the heart of the mountainous wilderness. Or you can adhere to the services of Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, the world’s largest rotating tram car.

Palm Springs Aerial Tramway

Transporting up to 80 people during a single ride, the aerial tram starts its 10-minute journey in Chino Canyon and ends at the Mountain Station situated at the elevation of 8,516 feet. While ascending, the tram car provides its guests with an excellent opportunity to admire the breathtaking vistas of the canyon below. Every second of the 2.5-mile ride, striking mountains with steep cliffs and sporadic patches of dense vegetation amuse heat-averting visitors of Palm Springs.

The Whitewater River, a small permanent stream in western Riverside Country, keeps the area well moist, creating suitable conditions for such a small, yet lush green paradise.

At the top, the scenic views captivate you anew. In front of you, the forest with tall pine trees spreads as far as you can see. Behind you, the vast desert holds on tightly to its precious domain. The landscape is pretty diverse, and so are the ways to escape the scorching heat of Palm Springs up in the mountains.

Escape the Heat of Palm Springs Up in the Mountains

You can limit your mountain trip to just staying at the Mountain Station, soaking up the sun and enjoying the awe-striking views. Other activities here include visiting the natural history museum, watching documentaries in one of two theaters, dining at a restaurant, and checking out a gift shop.

If you are looking for a way to escape the summer heat of Palm Springs combined with a healthy dose of exercises, venture to the forest. Hiking in the wilderness and breathing in the fresh air will do a trick to your body and mind.

Park’s hiking trails can suit people from all walks of life. Paved, gradually descending pathways make for a nice stroll. No need for running shoes or sport attire. An easy, leisurely walk without noise and toxic gas emissions from car exhaust.

More experienced hikers prefer to get off the paved paths and find their own trails, occasionally stopping to watch wildlife and collect pinecones.

Proven Ways to Escape Heat in Palm Springs - Roads and Destinations, roadsanddestinations.com
Hiking in San Jacinto State Park to escape scorching heat of Palm Springs

2. Escape Heat of Palm Springs Behind Glass Doors of Spas

Altering Audrey Hepburn’s famous saying, I must agree that spa (not Paris) is always a good idea. Especially in Palm Springs, in the summer, when the arrow on the thermometer reaches past the 100 degree mark. A spa room with tits calming ambience transports you into the world of relaxation and tranquility. And no heat whatsoever.

Choose one of the dozens of spas in Palm Springs and dive into the realm of health and wellness. Take advantage of all possible treatments. Don’t forget to visit public lounges, where you can swim in small swimming pools and relax in bubbling Jacuzzis while helping yourself with complimentary tea and fruits.

3. Load up on Acai Bowls

Acai bowls for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is exactly what I did or almost did… Since the breakfast acai bowl was taking forever to arrive at my table, I had to skip it and run to my spa appointment on an empty stomach.

Loading up on cool acai bowls or any fruit bowls – let’s be more flexible here – and drinking fresh-squeezed juices are a great way to beat the unbearable heat in Palm Springs during the summer months.

Luckily, the city doesn’t have a shortage of the places that serve all sorts of fruit and acai bowls. Fresh Juice Bar, Fruit Wonders, Bowl of Heaven, Juice It Up, and Juicy Juicy are some of the spots you may want to visit to get some delicious and refreshing treats.

Maui - Roads and Destinations
Load up on acai bowls | Ways to escape heat in Palm Springs

Final Thought

With these three easy ways to avoid the overpowering heat, any visit to Palm Springs can be a pure joy. So bid farewell to the scorching heat of the desert and enjoy your trip.

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